Friday, June 8, 2007


A while ago a freind of mine popped out a question : "Who do you love more, Your Mom or your Dad? " , I immediately answered "My Dad" .. and actually most were shocked since a girl's best freind is her mom , but still this doesn't mean I don't adore my mom. It's just , as I'm studying here in Jordan and my parents are away I just fall into tears everytme I remember how far I'm away from Dad. I talk to mom everyday and I do miss her alot , but Dad is just another story. He's the reason behind my life , behind all this . I wouldn't forgive myself if I failed him , I never would. He's been a true motive for me to stay in med school , everytime I was down I would just remember his words about where he wants us to be in life , more successful than he is , which no one else would allow us to be other than him. Still I couldn't be more successful than he is cuz he's just at the top . I love my dad , I adore him. Yes he has some mood tempers which frustrated me as a teenager , and yes he wasn't submissive to all my demands a couple of years ago , but I just recently realized and truly beleived that it was for my best. Thank you Dad.


MrsMinifig said...

Hiya - thanks for your comment on my blog - really appreciated (nicolajonesnutrition). I've just read your blog about your dad and it nearly made me cry. You seem like a very sensitive and "from the heart" kind of person and it touched me.

Don't ever lose it.

Citizen N~ said...

Nicola : thank you for passing by!
Thanx alot for passing by :)