Saturday, August 11, 2007

The Hijabi Cabbie: Jerusalem's Hottes Taxi Driver

This Article is quiet interesting..

I really liked it..
Living in such circumstances as those of Jeusalem's it is a great accomplishment to have at least a REGULAR job,not to mention being SUCCESSFUL in it as well.
I do agree that being a muslim might have stood in her way , NOT because of the fact of being a muslim as such , but the fact that she broke all the rules PEOPLE made on their own to judge other people.

Hats off to Mrs.Bahr..

I wish I was in Jerusalem at the moment , I wud've probably had the chance to meet her!

7agara bagara..

Hmmm..Now I actually need a new phone..

I have a couple choices:

- Either to buy an imate "which i really need" , which is really confusing cuz lots of ppl had trouble with imate's software and such stuff

-Or , i can buy a kinda not-so-expensive phone and a descent PDA as Dell or HP..

or i can just buy a really good phone and forget about the pda..

So i was thinking:
Sony ericsson w580i


Sony ericsson s5ooi


imate JASJAM

So what do u think ppl? Especially with the imate?

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

How to Sneak Candy Into Your Room..

According to WikiHow , this is the best way to sneak candy into ur room! Oh my god , who would even want to now how to sneak candy into his room , there is 100000 and 1 ways to sneak candy!

- Steps :

  • Go downstairs and complain that your throat hurts. Ask if you can take some water up to your room.
  • Grab a big cup that isn't transparent and run some water.
  • Quickly put the candy in the cup and stuff it until it's full.
  • Hold the cup by the top to keep anyone from seeing its contents.
  • Walk calmly past your parents, then up to your room. Enjoy the candy! (lol , even tells how to fake it!)

- Tips:

  • Don't move too fast past your parents. If you run, they'll probably know something's up.
  • If your parents ask to see the cup, just tell them you're sick and you need to go lie down.
  • Depending on the type of candy, you can actually fill the cup with water (just make sure you jam the candy in so it doesn't float to the top). Keep your hand over it, but if the need presents itself, you can "accidentally" slosh some of the water out, to show what's really in there. Plus, if the cup really has water in it you'll be more careful with it, making a more convincing look.
  • If its possible to trick your parents into going outside then do so, and help yourself to the mouth watering candy.
  • It is a good idea to buy your own candy if there is not a lot in your house parents might notice that there are some things missing.

-Warnings :

  • Do not use a see through cup. (uh...duh!)
  • This will not work if there isn't any candy in your house. (really?!!!)
  • Remember to brush and floss your teeth.
  • Candy attracts ants and cockroaches, which is the primary reason candy usually isn't allowed in rooms anyway.
  • Sneaking candy isn't always a good idea, as it's harder to enjoy it when you're anxious about being caught
    when you have wrapping paper on the candy it is a good idea to put it in the garbage and then put tissue paper over it or something that covers it up so it can only be found if they are really looking for it .

This is hilarious ! Also check out How to enjoy a snickers!!!!