Saturday, August 11, 2007

7agara bagara..

Hmmm..Now I actually need a new phone..

I have a couple choices:

- Either to buy an imate "which i really need" , which is really confusing cuz lots of ppl had trouble with imate's software and such stuff

-Or , i can buy a kinda not-so-expensive phone and a descent PDA as Dell or HP..

or i can just buy a really good phone and forget about the pda..

So i was thinking:
Sony ericsson w580i


Sony ericsson s5ooi


imate JASJAM

So what do u think ppl? Especially with the imate?


Qabbani said...

ٍsony Ericsson much better :)

Citizen N~ said...

Yea I really liked it too..
plus im a regular user of sony ericsson..
Though the imate is really tempting , but no one adviced me bcuz of its software problems ..